鎌倉彫SHOP 「慶」は、鎌倉彫協同組合の組合員の匠が作成した作品の展示販売を行っています。作品は一点物ですので店頭でお確かめください。
The Kamakurabori wood carving Shop "KEI" will show Artworks made by members of the Kamakurabori Wood Carving Cooperative Association.
Every artwork is a non mass production product, and please check a current product at on the show case before purchasing.
In the "KEI" shop, you will find each member's Artworks in a showcase. Those artworks and master craftsmen will be changed by each month. Please check each inventory and price at the shop KEI. Each artwork is all most an only one product, not mass production product. (Products on this website as of Sep. & Oct. 2018)
We don't accept an e-commerce order for the Shop "KEI" products, please purchase on the shop counter.
We sell products on the shop counter only. If you are a resident in Japan, Tax will be added on a price.
as of Sep. & Oct. 2018